I just wanted to let you know that I passed my APC!!!! Thank you so much for your amazing support and guidance. I really appreciate it - thank you 😊 
Thank you so much for your expertise and guidance. 
CB, Bucks 
I have just seen the email confirming I have got my APC. 27 out of 30 - so I'm really pleased . Thank you for helping me. 
Caroline, going though Route 1 plus application 
I simply can't thank you enough for your inspiration, guidance and support throughout this process; you have showed much compassion, kindness and patience and thank you. I have learnt so much! 
Lydia Route 1 plus. 

Mentoring Services 

Aims and Learning Outcomes 

Preparing for an APC renewal can be a difficult process when you are working in isolation , or if you are not sure or confident of all the changes recently made by SASC. For the newly qualified assessor a first renewal can be particularly worrying. Working with an experienced mentor the new report formats will be discussed and updated guidance from SASC reviewed. Possible pitfalls will be highlighted so that the assessor can make a successful application or reapplication. 

The mentoring service will support those who: 

Are renewing their APC for the first time and using the mentoring service towards their hours of informal CPD. 
Are renewing for the second or third time or are a Route 1 plus application (post 5 years since training). 
May have previously applied and been deferred in the process. They have been advised to undertake a period of mentoring before resubmitting their application. 
Are looking for confirmation and validation of their assessment reports at any stage. You may have been assessing for many years but feel a little rusty. 
The service will consist of a minimum 5 hours support in total. 
Hour 1 
Introduction to your mentor and discussion of specific needs. Specific aims will be confirmed. Review of feedback from previous submission if appropriate. 
Hour 2  
Access to a pre-recorded webinar updating recent changes for the specialist assessor. 
Hours 3-5 
Submit a report ( not to be used in the APC submission) which is marked and detailed feedback given. 
Input from the mentor will be by email, Skype or Zoom and the mentoring sessions must be completed within 12 weeks. 
Cost of £195 for 5 hours to include marking and feedback of submitted report. This report must not then be used for the APC submission. Mentors are assessors with current APC’s and with experience working as Tutors on Level 7 courses.  
The mentoring is suitable for assessors working at pre or post 16 level. Mentoring will be evaluated by Survey Monkey and a certificate of Informal CPD will be issued. 

Learning Outcomes 

Be updated on current SASC guidelines for best practice. Reflection will take place on how their assessment reports currently meet current formats and marking criteria. 
Will explore best practice with regard to the format of a report and test selection depending on the age of the person being assessed. 
Will have reviewed current guidelines with regard to both qualitative and quantitative information and presenting this in an accessible format for the reader. 
Will be aware of the importance of gathering detailed background information evaluating test scores and observations and making an accurate diagnosis. 
Will be confident in producing a report which fully meets SASC criteria as well as evaluating their CPD for their submission. 
The mentor will give answer any questions sent by email promptly and set up the initial meeting within 5 working days of the first enquiry. All mentoring has to take place within 12 weeks. The mentor will give honest feedback on any submitted report but taking up mentoring does not guarantee a successful renewal of an APC. 
As this is a very bespoke service please email us directly through the Contact us button or katrina@positivedyslexia.co.uk