Get in touch If you would like to book a service please fill in the appropriate box and we will contact you back.

Terms and Conditions
1. The Booking Form must be signed and submitted to us before the assessment. Dates can only be provisionally held for 24 hours.
2. Assessments/Training cannot be guaranteed to be rescheduled to a later date and may be charged if cancelled.
3. A full assessment usually lasts around 3 hours for adults but may be shorter for children . Testing for Access Arrangements will be shorter.
4. For an assessment the results will be analysed and a detailed report will be sent to you at your address within 15 working days of the appointment.
5. Payment by BACS or cash must be made at the time of the appointment or in advance. The report will not be released until payment is made.
6. Positive Dyslexia reserve the right not to accept a referral, to terminate an assessment or not circulate a report if: the referral appears to be outside of their area of expertise the client fails to cooperate with the requirements of the assessment procedure in such a way that may compromise the validity of the assessment the client fails to comply with the terms and conditions outlined above.